Create Withdraw

Create Withdraw API Url


*Before using the API, you need to activate it from the Settings->API Settings section and specify the allowed IP address.


Parameters to be sent to the service are as follows:

Input Name Type Required Description
public_key String Yes your public key
private_key String Yes your private key
coin String No, default USDT We only support USDT.
network String No, default TRC20 We only support TRC20.
address String Yes Wallet address to sent.
amount numeris Yes Amount to send


Parameters to be returned from the service are as follows:

Input Name Type Description
status String success or error
message String error message if status is error
balance numeric balance after send
network_fee numeric transaction cost

Sample Codes

Create Withdraw Sample

// API URL to send the request to
$url = ''; 

// Data to be sent in the POST request
$post = [
    'public_key' => 'yourpublickey',       // Your public key for API access
    'private_key' => 'yourprivatekey',     // Your private key for API access
    'coin' => 'USDT',                      // Cryptocurrency to withdraw
    'network' => 'TRC20',                  // Network type for the withdrawal
    'address' => 'walletaddresstosent',    // Wallet address to send the funds
    'amount' => 50                          // Amount to withdraw

// Initialize a cURL session
$ch = curl_init();

// Set the URL for the cURL request
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

// Enable SSL certificate verification
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);

// Return the response instead of printing it directly
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

// Set the POST fields for the request
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));

// Execute the cURL request and store the result
$result = curl_exec($ch);

// Close the cURL session

// Decode the JSON response and check for errors
if (json_decode($result)->status == 'error') {
    // If there's an error, display the error message
    echo json_decode($result)->message;
} else {
    // If the request is successful, display the updated balance
    echo json_decode($result)->balance;  // Display the current balance after withdrawal

const axios = require('axios');

// API URL to send the request to
const url = '';

// Data to be sent in the POST request
const postData = {
    public_key: 'yourpublickey',       // Your public key for API access
    private_key: 'yourprivatekey',     // Your private key for API access
    coin: 'USDT',                      // Cryptocurrency to withdraw
    network: 'TRC20',                  // Network type for the withdrawal
    address: 'walletaddresstosent',    // Wallet address to send the funds
    amount: 50                          // Amount to withdraw

// Function to make the API call, postData)
    .then(response => {
        const result =;

        // Check if the response indicates an error
        if (result.status === 'error') {
            // If there's an error, log the error message
        } else {
            // If the request is successful, display the updated balance
            console.log(result.balance);  // Display the current balance after withdrawal
    .catch(error => {
        // Log any errors encountered during the request
        console.error('Error:', error.message);

import requests

# API URL to send the request to
url = ''

# Data to be sent in the POST request
post_data = {
    'public_key': 'yourpublickey',       # Your public key for API access
    'private_key': 'yourprivatekey',     # Your private key for API access
    'coin': 'USDT',                      # Cryptocurrency to withdraw
    'network': 'TRC20',                  # Network type for the withdrawal
    'address': 'walletaddresstosent',    # Wallet address to send the funds
    'amount': 50                          # Amount to withdraw

# Make the POST request to the API
response =, data=post_data)

# Parse the JSON response
result = response.json()

# Check if the response indicates an error
if result.get('status') == 'error':
    # If there's an error, print the error message
    # If the request is successful, display the updated balance
    print(result.get('balance'))  # Display the current balance after withdrawal

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