Parameters to be sent to the service are as follows:
Input Name | Type | Required | Description |
public_key | String | Yes | your public key |
private_key | String | Yes | your private key |
test | Integer | No, default null | if the value is 1 it is a test invoice, if the value is null it is a live invoice |
String | No | Email or buyer. | |
merchant_id | String | No | ID of merchant. |
order_id | String | No | ID of order. |
customer_id | Integer | No | ID of buyer. |
price_amount | Decimal | Yes | price of product |
price_currency | String | No, default USD | Currency (default: USD). Alternatively, you can set USD, EUR, GBP and other currencys, show all supported currencies |
add_fee_to_price | Integer | no, default null | if the value is 1 add fee to price
*when used, it increases erroneous transfers and decreases sales. |
title | String | no | title of invoice |
description | String | no | description of invoice |
banned_coins NEW | JSON | no |
Coins that you do not want to use to receive payments.
example: ["BTC","ETH","USDT-ERC20"] *Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT-ERC20 addresses are not give to your customers. example 2: ["USDT","BNB"] *USDT (all network)and Bnb addresses are not give to your customers. |
callback_url | String | no | Merchant callback URL for payment result notification if payment success
result values is :private_key(for compare yours), id, email, merchant_id, order_id, customer_id, price_amount, price_currency, amount, amount_currency, add_fee_to_price, title, description, ref_url, cancel_url, success_url, callback_url, ip, test, created_at, expiration_date Tries 3 times, once every 5 minutes, until it reaches HTTP code 200 It requires a public domain(not ip address and localhost), if you dont have one yet you can use ngrok or for testing. |
cancel_url | String | no | cancel url |
success_url | String | no | success url |
expiration_date | Integer | no, default 12, max 12 | expiration date hourly |
margin_ratio | Integer | no | We've seen people send a lot of underpaid amounts (usually under 1 USDd) as getting paid in crypto is a new payment method. The amount you write in this field is ignored and the payment is considered successful, even if it is missing. for example: if you type 1 (1 USDT) here and generate an invoice to receive payment of 5 USDT, the payment will be considered successful even if you receive 4 USDT, but your customer will be considered unsuccessful if the payment is 3.9 USDT (If you typed 2, 3.9 USDT would also be considered successful.) |
white_label NEW | Integer | no | To create an invoice with your own logo, your own style and brand, send it as 1 and receive a list of coins you can receive payment from as JSON. For detailed information and More |
Parameters to be returned from the service are as follows:
Input Name | Type | Description |
status | String | success or error |
message | String | error message if status is error or invoice url if status is success |
$url = ''; // The API endpoint URL for creating an invoice
$post = [
'public_key' => 'yourpublickey', // Your public API key to authenticate the request
'private_key' => 'yourprivatekey', // Your private API key for secure authentication
'email' => '[email protected]', // The email associated with the customer
'price_amount' => 725, // The amount for the invoice (in USD)
'price_currency' => 'USD', // Currency in which the price is specified (USD in this case)
'merchant_id' => 5, // Merchant's unique ID in the system
'order_id' => 11, // Unique ID for the order being processed
'customer_id' => 12, // Unique ID for the customer placing the order
'test' => 1, // Test mode flag (1 means this is a test request)
'title' => 'title', // Title of the invoice
'description' => 'description', // Description of the invoice
'add_fee_to_price' => 1, // If true (1), any fees will be added to the total price
//'banned_coins' => json_encode(array("BTC", "ETH", "USDT-ERC20")), // Optional: Specify banned coins for this payment
'cancel_url' => 'https://yourcancelurl', // URL to redirect the user if they cancel the payment
'success_url' => 'https://yoursuccessurl', // URL to redirect the user upon successful payment
'callback_url' => 'http://yourcallbackurl', // URL where the payment result will be sent via webhook
'expiration_date' => 12, // Time in hours when the invoice will expire
'margin_ratio' => 1.5 // Optional margin ratio for price adjustments
//'white_label' => 1 // Optional flag for white-labeling the invoice
$ch = curl_init(); // Initialize a new cURL session
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); // Set the API URL for the request
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); // Enable SSL certificate verification for security
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Return the response instead of outputting it
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post)); // Attach the data as a URL-encoded POST request
$result = curl_exec($ch); // Execute the cURL request and store the result
curl_close($ch); // Close the cURL session to free up resources
if (json_decode($result)->status == 'error') { // If the API response status is 'error'
// Handle error
echo json_decode($result)->message[0]; // Output the first error message
} else {
// Handle success
echo json_decode($result)->message; // Output the success message
const axios = require('axios'); // Import axios for making HTTP requests
// Data to be sent in the POST request (required parameters for creating an invoice)
const postData = {
public_key: 'yourpublickey', // Public key to access the API
private_key: 'yourprivatekey', // Private key to access the API
email: '[email protected]', // Customer's email address associated with the invoice
price_amount: 725, // The amount of the invoice (725 USD)
price_currency: 'USD', // The currency of the invoice (USD)
merchant_id: 5, // Merchant's unique ID
order_id: 11, // Order ID for tracking the order
customer_id: 12, // Customer's unique ID
test: 1, // Test mode flag (1 for yes, 0 for no)
title: 'title', // Title of the invoice
description: 'description', // Description of the invoice
add_fee_to_price: 1, // Flag indicating whether to add processing fees to the price
// banned_coins: JSON.stringify(["BTC", "ETH", "USDT-ERC20"]), // (Optional) Array of banned cryptocurrencies
cancel_url: 'https://yourcancelurl', // URL to redirect the user if payment is canceled
success_url: 'https://yoursuccessurl', // URL to redirect the user after successful payment
callback_url: 'http://yourcallbackurl', // URL for sending payment result updates (webhook)
expiration_date: 12, // Invoice expiration time (in hours)
margin_ratio: 1.5 // The margin ratio to apply on the invoice price
// white_label: 1 // (Optional) White-label option flag
// Make the POST request using axios'', postData)
.then(response => {
const result =; // Get the response data
if (result.status === 'error') {
// If there's an error in the response
console.log(result.message[0]); // Log the error message
} else {
// If the request is successful
console.log(result.message); // Log the success message
.catch(error => {
// Handle any errors that occur during the request
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
import requests # Import the requests library for making HTTP requests
# Data to be sent in the POST request (required parameters for creating an invoice)
post_data = {
'public_key': 'yourpublickey', # Public key to access the API
'private_key': 'yourprivatekey', # Private key to access the API
'email': '[email protected]', # Customer's email address associated with the invoice
'price_amount': 725, # The amount of the invoice (725 USD)
'price_currency': 'USD', # The currency of the invoice (USD)
'merchant_id': 5, # Merchant's unique ID
'order_id': 11, # Order ID for tracking the order
'customer_id': 12, # Customer's unique ID
'test': 1, # Test mode flag (1 for yes, 0 for no)
'title': 'title', # Title of the invoice
'description': 'description', # Description of the invoice
'add_fee_to_price': 1, # Flag indicating whether to add processing fees to the price
'cancel_url': 'https://yourcancelurl', # URL to redirect the user if payment is canceled
'success_url': 'https://yoursuccessurl', # URL to redirect the user after successful payment
'callback_url': 'https://yourcallbackurl', # URL for sending payment result updates (webhook)
'expiration_date': 12, # Invoice expiration time (in hours)
'margin_ratio': 1.5 # The margin ratio to apply on the invoice
# Make the POST request using the requests library
response ='', json=post_data) # Send POST request with JSON data
# Check if the response status code indicates an error
if response.status_code == 422:
print('422 Error:', response.json()) # Log the response data for 422 error
result = response.json() # Get the response data in JSON format
if result['status'] == 'error':
print(result['message'][0]) # Log the error message
print(result['message']) # Log the success message
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# Handle any exceptions that occur during the request
print(f'Error: {e}') # Print the error message
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input')); //catch request data
if($data->privatekey!="your privatekey"){ //compare private keys
....and the other things
const express = require('express'); // Import the Express framework
const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Import body-parser to handle JSON data
const app = express(); // Create an Express application
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; // Set the port for the application
app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Use body-parser middleware to parse JSON data'/your-endpoint', (req, res) => { // Define a POST route
const data = req.body; // Catch request data
if (data.privatekey !== "your privatekey") { // Compare private keys
return res.status(403).send('Forbidden'); // Return 403 Forbidden if the key is invalid
// Continue with further processing if the key is valid
res.send('Private key is valid!'); // Send a success response
app.listen(PORT, () => { // Start the server
console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`); // Log the server status
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify # Import Flask and necessary modules
app = Flask(__name__) # Create a Flask application
@app.route('/your-endpoint', methods=['POST']) # Define a POST route
def handle_request():
data = request.get_json() # Catch request data
# Check if the private key is valid
if data.get('privatekey') != "your privatekey": # Compare private keys
return jsonify({'error': 'Invalid private key'}), 403 # Return error response
# Continue with other processing...
return jsonify({'message': 'Private key is valid!'}), 200 # Return success response
if __name__ == '__main__': # Start the Flask server on port 5000